Foreign Affairs

President Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the National Assembly following the results of the European elections

June 2024
By Eleonore Para

Following the Rassemblement National’s victory this Sunday in the European elections, with 33% of the vote, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron has announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. The Assembly was last dissolved under President Jacques Chirac in 1997, leading to a five-year cohabitation.

The French will be called to vote on 30 June and 7 July.

Article 12 of the Constitution states that “the President of the Republic may, after consulting the Prime Minister and the Presidents of the Assemblies, dissolve the National Assembly. General elections are held at least twenty days and at most forty days after the dissolution. The National Assembly shall meet as of right on the second Thursday following its election”.

The dissolution will change the composition of the Assembly and the government, since it is the majority group that proposes a Prime Minister. The Senate remains the same and the dissolution has no effect on its composition or presidency.

Nominations will have to be submitted in the next few days, but the timetable has not yet been specified. It should be known next week. The MPs currently in office will be able to stand for re-election.

The new Assembly is due to meet for the first time on the second Thursday after the election, i.e. 18 July.