Politics & Economics

Orban’s EU policy guidelines have not redeemed his political isolation

October 2024
By Editorial Staff

Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s debate on the priorities of the EU Council rotating presidency that his government is leading until 31 December ended up being a space for political tussle. The head of the Hungarian President was also blamed by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, for the lack of support for Ukraine and for its visa policy for Russian citizens.

“There are still some who blame this war – the conflict in Ukraine – not on the invader but on the invaded, not on Putin’s lust for power but on Ukraine’s thirst for freedom. So, I want to ask them: Would they ever blame the Hungarians for the Soviet invasion of 1956?” she provocatively said without explicitly speaking to the Hungarian leader. Budapest is vetoing the proposal to extend from 6 months to 36 the period of application of sanctions imposed by the EU Council to individuals and entities involved in the Russian aggression. This is a condition sine qua non for the United States’ total commitment to the 50 billion in loans agreed upon by the G7 via the Russian asset immobilized on EU soil.

Von der Leyen also questioned him about the efforts the Hungarian Prime Minister boasts about protecting borders and fighting impunity. “I just wonder how this statement fits with the fact that last year your authorities released convicted smugglers and traffickers before they did their time,” she further stressed.

Orban was not even saved from Group chairs slandering. “In 2011, the last time Hungary was at the helm of the EU Council, 103 legislative dossiers were concluded. Today, there is no progress”, EPP chair Manfred Weber stated. His homolog from the Renew Group, Valérie Hayer, said that the time has come to suspend the right to vote in the EU Council as Article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union provides for if Member States recognize severe and persistent breaches in the principles on which the EU is founded.

‘I came here to present the Hungarian Presidency program. I would have liked to discuss the challenges of competitiveness and immigration and the proposals that the Hungarian Presidency wants to negotiate with the other Member States and the European Parliament. But, you have triggered a political confrontation instead of a real discussion.” Orban fought back.

During his introductory speech, the Hungarian Prime Minister proposed accelerating the accession process for Western Balkans Member States. “More candidate countries meet the technical requirements for membership; more than 20 years ago, we promised these countries European perspective, and now is the time to keep it”, Orban stated before being blamed for not mentioning Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. He instead referred to Serbia, Hungary’s leading regional ally. “If Serbia does not join the EU, the Balkans cannot become a stable region,” he said before the chamber.

He also criticized the EU policy to phase out Russian fossil fuels. “Due to the goal of becoming independent from Russian fossil fuels, we have lost the possibility of growth,” he further stressed, claiming that “half of European companies consider energy supply as the main obstacle to investment.” The “Hungarian presidency proposes not to indulge in the illusion that ecological transition alone can offer the solution to this problem,” he added.

He also pledged to make the Hungarian presidency act as an “honest broker,” given the 41 pending files from the last mandate.

He flared up after somebody from the room told him the Hungarian economy flourished thanks to other Member States’ resources channeled through European programs. “The profits of foreign investors exceed these sums that you give to Hungary,” told a Dutch Mep. “It is repugnant that the representatives of some rich countries pretend to help us without any interest of their own; they want to profit on Hungarians.” He was supposed to gather support from many political groups on the management of migration procedure, but was heavily booed when stating that “illegal immigration has increased violence against women anti-Semitism and homophobia.”