by Gianni Pittella

EU top jobs, European Parties’ chess game

The candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the presidency of the European Commission is in a critical phase due to the cross-vetoes among the European political groups …

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european parties
by Editorial Staff

Draghi’s and Letta’s reports go hand in hand

Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi presented a report on the future of European competitiveness, though it was delayed and was meant to be published…

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by Eleonore Para

Emmanuel Macron appoints Michel Barnier as new Prime Minister

Michel Barnier, former European Commissioner for the Internal Market, has been appointed Prime Minister by the President of the Republic, following two weeks of consultations….

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by Mario Mauro

The Italian Job: Raffaele Fitto’s tasks as Italian Commissioner candidate

Raffaele Fitto has excelled in political consensus in many roles: from regional councillor to MEP. Before becoming a minister, he was elected president of Puglia…