Alessandro Caruso's articles

Professional journalist, he is the deputy editor of The Watcher Post. He has worked as a parliamentary correspondent for the regional newspaper "Il Domani" and has coordinated projects and communication campaigns for many companies and institutional realities. An expert in editorial productions, he has been an associate editor and creative director of "Inside Art," an international magazine and communication group specialized in culture and contemporary art.

By Alessandro Caruso | 21 May 2024

The AI Act passed: the EU is the first to regulate artificial intelligence

The Council of the European Union today definitively approved the EU law on artificial intelligence, which had been debated for months. The direction of the legislation is clear: the greater the risk of causing harm to society, the stricter the rules will be.

By Alessandro Caruso | 16 May 2024

In Ventotene a Talk on Youth and Europe

The Ventotene Europa Festival ended on Sunday. Sixty young people from across the EU spent four days together on the island.