Editorial Staff's articles

A team of journalists and professionals in communication and institutional relations. The editorial staff of The Watcher Post, led by Piero Tatafiore, follows and reports on EU and member states' institutional, socio-economic and industrial developments. The Watcher Post and its editorial staff hold the same belief that Charles Foster Kane had about his "Inquirer" in Citizen Kane: "I've got to make the New York Inquirer as important to New York as the gas in that light."

By Editorial Staff | 02 August 2024

Von der Leyen’s eyes on social media’s impact on children

As she repeatedly said, von der Leyen wants to limit social media’s power. She feels “very strongly” about that. As she condemns the impact that social medias have on society, especially on young people, she is simultaneously acting to force online platforms to better moderate their content.

By Editorial Staff | 31 July 2024

What comes after von der Leyen’s re-election?

After being greenlighted for a second mandate at the helm of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen will spend the second half of August interviewing the candidates the Member States are proposing for commissioner posts