Editorial Staff's articles

A team of journalists and professionals in communication and institutional relations. The editorial staff of The Watcher Post, led by Piero Tatafiore, follows and reports on EU and member states' institutional, socio-economic and industrial developments. The Watcher Post and its editorial staff hold the same belief that Charles Foster Kane had about his "Inquirer" in Citizen Kane: "I've got to make the New York Inquirer as important to New York as the gas in that light."

By Editorial Staff | 15 May 2024

What is EU doing to cope with influencers’ power

The Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council reunited on May the 13th and 14th and discussed about important topic that are crucial to nowadays youth: influencers.

By Editorial Staff | 10 May 2024

IEA presents report on investments in clean tech manufacturing

The recent meeting of Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministers from the G7 advanced economies in Turin echoed with urgency as they deliberated on strategies to uphold the commitment of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, following up on the discussions initiated at COP28 in Dubai.

By Editorial Staff | 08 May 2024

Andrija Štampar’s Enduring Influence on EU Health Policies

Dr. Andrija Štampar, a prominent figure in 20th-century public health from Croatia, envisioned an innovative healthcare system. He prioritised preventive medicine over curative approaches, laying the foundation for modern public health practices.

Single Market Enrico Letta
By Editorial Staff | 07 May 2024

A truly borderless Single Market: cooking with Enrico Letta

Following the presentation of his “Much more than a market” report at the last European Council, Enrico Letta is continuing his European tour to present Member States with his recipe for a stronger and more attractive Single Market, both externally and, more importantly, internally.