Politics & Economics

By Editorial Staff | 21 May 2024

Coreper calls for sustainable companies

On May 15th, one step towards companies’ welfare was made. The Permanent Representatives Committee of the Council (Coreper) approved the text on the directive that will provide a framework for European corporate due diligence, but not without several important changes.

Lidia Pereira, Member of the European Parliament
By Lidia Pereira* | 09 May 2024

“The Europe I Want”

Europe has become a beacon, a place where we draw closer together as states, nations, and peoples. However, peace is not a gift that can be taken for granted.

Single Market Enrico Letta
By Editorial Staff | 07 May 2024

A truly borderless Single Market: cooking with Enrico Letta

Following the presentation of his “Much more than a market” report at the last European Council, Enrico Letta is continuing his European tour to present Member States with his recipe for a stronger and more attractive Single Market, both externally and, more importantly, internally.